The “fieldwork” has shown the demand for having more books and information materials is growing constantly.
Lack of enough resources for our work is one of the main challenge.

To support this initiative, through provision of information, we are seeking for donations of any kind e.g. reading materials, of all ages i.e. books, magazines, comics, stationary, ICT equipments including E-readers, funds etc. to expand our stock for empowerment programs.
Suggestions or ideas to improve and sparkle our outreach programs are highly welcomed.
We look forward to partner with anyone/organization that may be having similar ideology or provide knowledge and skills in transforming lives in the rural communities at large.
“An enlightened community is a major key to development!

Youth Empowerment

Participatory approach where the youth are involved in the empowerment. i.e. enhancement in community life and civil ...

Book Boxes Program

Sparkle a child with a book  gift.Book box Service to villages, schools and institutions. This innovation creates ...

Community Sensitization

Sharing talks on topical issues affecting the communities e.g. adolescents behavioural change, HIV/AIDS,community projects

Digital Learning

Digital literacy:Pupils appreciating the use of E-Readers. Digital literacy has become one of the best approach of ...